The Power is out. What the heck happened. Was there a power line down...Or maybe it was something else.
After their little confrontation with the other half of the story, Bright Idea, Springheart, and the Editor finally get to their movie.
After their little confrontation with the other half of the story, Mibevan, Cruizer, and Zach finish up their assignment of watching...
We open up with Bright Idea closing up her pun shop early and inviting her friends to come and see a movie. Which Movie? Who the heck knows…
We open up with the boys being called back to the theater for a new assignment where they must watch the movie the started everything.
The time has come. It's still half way done but I am finally doing it. I want to thank you for your patience.
Things are about to fall into place.
2 Bronies and a Cruiser are given the task to watch "Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash's Special Day", all while reminiscing about the past.
Miss Bizz wants to serve pizza at the theater, and since there is only one pizzeria in town. We now have Jasper Pie. It's his big business opportunity...
2 Bronies and a Cruizer are back to watch Gen 2 episodes...Both of which just make Teddy into more of an asshole then he is now.
2 Bronies and a Cruizer are back to watch "The Return of Tambelon", an episode with a villain that is beloved by all for some reason.